
I am anonymous artist and creator, Achy Bones. You have made it to my website which is pretty awesome! I created this brand after many years of ups and downs, turmoil and triumph, working and playing… After two of my best friends passed away within two years, I decided I wanted something more in my life… I needed another outlet. I didn’t want to waste any more days hesitating and second guessing myself.

I work seasonally as an equipment operator building trail, stonework, and landscapes. I value the importance of “hands on” hard work in my art, business and my day job (which often collide). Which is why shipping and response times may be slow.

My goal? To inspire a community of people through promoting an aggressive, humorous, and positive message within my art. I want you to do what you love “Till You’re Six Feet Deep!”

My apparel line is drawn up and screen printed in a small room by me (with the help of some very close friends every now and then when I get stressed out). All items are shipped by me. This is a DIY small brand run by one single person. However, the community surrounding Achy Bones Co and (@shred_butt) is growing larger by the day and it will forever remain core to its bones.